23rd Anniversary Balloon Festival
Set to Launch, June 6-8, 2025
Balloon Festival 2025
23rd Annual Balloon Festival Set to Launch,
June 6-8, 2025
CAMBRIDGE – The Balloon Festival Committee along with the Cambridge Valley Chamber of Commerce have been busy working to bring this festival to our community once again, celebrating our 23rd festival with some exciting additions! New this year, you will have an opportunity to purchase a Tethered Ride! Scott Griswold with Above All Balloon Rides will be piloting these rides for $20/person. You can purchase your tickets at the festival starting Friday night at 5pm. Saturday is wristband day at the carnival. Buy a wristband for $25 and get unlimited rides from 1pm-9pm!
We are putting together the schedule of activities, which will include four launches of hot air balloons (Friday & Saturday evening and Saturday & Sunday morning). All launches take place at the Cambridge Central School on Route 22 (wind and weather permitting). Evening launches typically occur around 7 p.m.; morning launches at 5:30 a.m.
Besides the launches at the CCS on Friday & Saturday, there will be a Carnival, Craft Fair and Food Vendors.
Friday evening at dusk will be a fantastic fireworks display at The Mansion Park on South Union Street.
On Saturday, throughout the day, there are several activities including the Lions car show, the Flying Club flyin, and many businesses ready to welcome you to Cambridge. Saturday evening, our annual Moon Glow, a spectacular night time display of tethered hot air balloons that are lit from inside in time to music, will take place at the Cambridge Central School at dusk. Bring a chair or blanket, come for the launch, enjoy some food, shop at our craft booths and stay for the glow!
Sunday brings an end to the official festival activities with a Pilots Breakfast at the American Legion on RT 22, Cambridge, NY. This is a great opportunity to meet the pilots.
Local organizations augment the festival with activities to entertain crowds between the launches and to showcase the Cambridge community. In and around the Village, activities such as craft fairs, farmers’ markets, museum tours, concerts, car show, flyin and gallery events occur. Information will be posted on the Chamber website at www.cambridgenychamber.com as it is finalized and details become available. Organizations wanting to be included on the official schedule of events must send information IN WRITING to PO Box 405, Cambridge, NY 12816 or via e-mail to cambridgechamber@gmail.com. The deadline to be included is May 15, 2024.
Festival themed merchandise is available for sale beginning in late May. These items help support the festival and make it possible for most activities to occur FREE of charge.
Sponsors are also crucial to the success of the balloon festival. Opportunities range from sponsorship of an entire balloon ($1500-you get a free ride for two along with free tickets to pilot events, advertising & more) to event sponsorships ($500-$200). Gold and silver sponsorships are available for $150 and $100, respectively. Visit the website for sponsorship information or call 518-677-0887.
Donations toward the fireworks are always needed and welcome. To help keep this fantastic display a part of our annual event, send donations in any denomination made out to CVCC Balloon & reference Fireworks in memo. Mail to PO Box 405, Cambridge, NY 12816. Individuals or businesses making gifts of $400 or more will be acknowledged in press releases and at the event as fireworks sponsors.
For information on Cambridge, or the balloon festival, call 518-677-0887